
Helpers and Macros that ease the usage of the TWS-API of Interactive Brokers through IB-Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby


Documentation: https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/

Questions, Contributions, Remarks: Discussions are opened in ib-api

STATUS: Preparing for a GEM release, scheduled for August

Helpers and Macros that ease the usage of the TWS-API of Interactive Brokers

To activate use

gem 'ib-extensions'

in the Gemfile and require the extensions as needed

Include all

(except gateway)

require 'ib-api'
require 'ib/extensions'


require 'ib-api'
require 'ib/verify'

Verifies a given contract, for details refer to the documentation

Market Price

require 'ib-api'
require 'ib/market-price'

Returns the most recent market-price of a given contract ( documentation )

Historical Data (EOD)

require 'ib-api'
require 'ib/eod'

puts IB::Symbols.Index.estx.eod( duration: '10 d' )

Fetch historical data with just one line of code (documentation )

Order Prototypes

require 'ib-api'
require 'ib/order-prototypes'

order = IB::Limit.order size: 100, price: 10, action: :buy
order = IB::StopLimit.order size: 100, price: 10, stop_price: 9.5

then transmit the order through the place_order method of IB::Connection or Account-based preview, place, modify and cancel methods of IB::Gateway.

More details in the documentation

Spread Prototypes

require 'ib-api'
require 'ib/spread-prototypes'

Compose most common spreads through

s = IB::Straddle.build from: IB::Symbols::Index.stoxx, 
                            strike: 4200, 
                            expiry: 202112 
t = IB::Strangle.build from: IB::Symbols::Index.stoxx, 
                            c: 2400, p: 2200, 
                            expiry: 202103 

puts s.as_table
                                      Straddle ESTX50(4200.0)[Dec 2021]                                      
         symbol  con_id      exchange  expiry    multiplier  trading-class  right  strike  currency 
 Spread  ESTX50  -532066861    DTB                   10                                      EUR    
 Option  ESTX50   266033438    DTB     20211217      10          OESX        put   4200.0    EUR    
 Option  ESTX50   266033423    DTB     20211217      10          OESX       call   4200.0    EUR    

and use the speads like any other contract. (documentation)


require 'ib-gateway'

IB::Gateway is an enhancement of IB::Connection. Upon initialization, it detects active accounts and stores them in thread safe arrays.

g =  IB::Gateway.current
clients =  G.clients
puts client.first.portfolio_values.as_table
                                                         pos  entry     market    value      unrealized  realized 
 Uxxxxxxx   Stock: BEPC USD NYSE                         200    43.038    41.042     8208.4     -399.17           
 Uxxxxxxx   Option: CNHI 20210819 put 13.0 IDEM EUR       -2     0.386      0.01      -9.63      376.37           
 Uxxxxxxx   Stock: EQT SEK SFB                           200     443.8   420.469   84093.85    -4666.19  -1369.02 
 Uxxxxxxx   Future: ESTX50 20210917 EUR                   -1    4145.3   4098.15   -40981.5       471.5           
 Uxxxxxxx   Option: ESTX50 20211217 call 4200.0 DTB EUR   -4     97.85    99.398    -3975.9       -61.9           
 Uxxxxxxx   Option: IWM 20210903 call 230.0 AMEX USD      -4     1.943     0.124     -49.72      727.49           

Details in the documentation

Generally puts IB::Model.as_table provides a modern and convient output for the console and notebooks.

puts g.clients.first.orders.as_table
 account   status                                              Type  tif  action  amount  price  id/fee 
 U123456   Submitted  Option: SLV 20210716 put 24.0 SMART USD  LMT   GTC  sell    5.0     0.98   0      
puts g.clients.first.orders.contract.as_table
         symbol  con_id     exchange  expiry    multiplier  trading-class  right  strike  currency 
 Option  SLV     456347029   SMART    20210716     100           SLV        put     24.0    USD    

Its used in Simple Monitor


IB-Ruby code can be executed in iruby jupyter notebooks. A few scripts are included in IB-Examples. (*.ipynb- files)

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ib-ruby/ib-extensions. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/[ib-ruby/ib-extensions/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).

## Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Ib::Extensions project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/ib-ruby/ib-extensions/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).