
How to run the training model

q01010101 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi! As a beginner, After I readed the readme.txt, I run the sentence:
"python --name --data_config <path/to/data_config.yaml> --config <path/to/config.yaml>"(of course I wrote down my own path)
in Anaconda prompt, but it gave me a error which showed:
"Incorrect file name, directory name, or volume label syntax: 'D:\HistoBistro-main\HistoBistro-main\models\try1_<Transformer\TransMIL\AttentionMIL\...><cohort_name1>-<cohort_name2><normalizatio_used>_'"
It seemslike indicate that the error is occurring in the part, and some part is vacant.
So could you please tell me how to fix the sentence and make it run successfully? I don't have the luxury of being able to run all the code anymore, but I'd still like to be able to implement at least some of it...THX!

Hi, sorry for the delayed response! Did you solve your problem already? It seems like the syntax is not correct of the path you are giving: im not entirely sure but you might need to use double dashes? e.g. D:\HistoBistro-main\HistoBistro of forward dashes D:/HistoBistro-main/HistoBistro... ? if in doubt with simple syntax errors ChatGPT can be of great help :)
