
Google provider not showing in list of providers when adding social application in admin app using version 0.63.2

timcu opened this issue · 4 comments

I downgraded to django-allauth==0.61.1 and then Google did show in list of providers. Version 0.62.1 was also not showing Google in list of providers.

Version 0.63.2 also had trouble resolving {% url 'google_login_by_token' %} but this was handled fine by 0.61.1

The only other provider I tested was GitHub and it showed fine in the list of providers in version 0.63.2.

I had installed version 0.63.2 using pip install django-allauth[socialaccount]==0.63.2 but when I installed 0.61.1, it said it did not provide the extra 'socialaccount'.

Starting from 0.62.0 you need the [socialaccount] extra. I see that you installed 0.63.2 using that, but please give reinstalling or recreating your virtualenv a try -- the missing extra is really the only known issue in this regard.

Thanks for looking into it. I had tried deleting django-allauth and reinstalling to no benefit. However, just now I created a fresh new virtual environment and that worked. Maybe once I had done a pip install django-allauth==0.63.2 on a virtualenv then no matter how many times I did pip install django-allauth[socialaccount]==0.63.2 it would not install the extra, even if I had deleted django-allauth from my virtual environment (using the pycharm - button on the virtual environment)

I think I worked out the problem. It is a PyCharm bug. I had a requirements.txt file with the following contents


In a new virtual environment, PyCharm raises a flag to say not all packages are installed (as expected), and gives the option to "Install all missing packages". However, selecting that option only installs django-allauth, not django-allauth[socialaccount]

If I install with pip install -r requirements.txt the socialaccount installs correctly.

I will report this to JetBrains.