
Home Page Reorganization

julianweng opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently, the frontend page structure and general design choices put Clubs' directory function first and other features (e.g. events) second, displaying a list of clubs in the homepage. This leads to high usage at the beginning of each semester with heavy drop-offs, as events are underutilized and most users solely use the directory/application features of the website (unfiltered search is also very expensive for something loaded by default, especially during peak application time). Ideally, Clubs should be a 4-year holistic platform for the club ecosystem at Penn, and currently has the features to be one: with the planned rollout of events ticketing, this is a great time to revamp the homepage.

This involves the re-organizing of the current home page (club directory) and /events page into the following:

  • Homepage for unauthed users: Standard landing page with login call-to-action and potentially some marketing print.

  • Homepage for authed users: Social media-style feed featuring 1. events/content from subscribed/bookmarked clubs and 2. upcoming events, potentially ranked by relevance to user and/or popularity.

  • Events page: current events page, full directory for all events at Penn with search functionality.

  • Clubs page: current homepage. Would have its own header link. Should probably put a banner on homepage that leads to this at the start of each semester ideally.

EDIT: Homepage for authed users will now be more differentiated from events page. Will have

  1. search bar with autocomplete based on club title (redirects to club search page with relevant query param on enter)
  2. Featured events (some selection where upcoming events from bookmarked/subscribed clubs are at top followed by other popular events on campus)
  3. Featured club (optional, could be cool to showcase some clubs, especially less pre-professional ones, could be themed for certain holidays as well)