
Create first test for go file generation

Opened this issue · 0 comments

pennz commented

This is a guide, please remove this preamble and other irrelevant sections.

Before writing, a) please search to ensure the issue doesn't exist. b) If you are using Eclipse, the command line or Docker please ensure you are using the latest version of the relevant Umple tools and dependencies: such as Java 8 or 9, Eclipse Oxygen with modeling tools, or the latest Docker image from

Specify a Brief Description

Brief, one or two sentences explaining the problem.

Give the minimum Steps to Reproduce

This is a minimum test case to validate the problem.

  1. Step 1
  2. ...

If using a large code sample, feel free to use a gist or UmpleOnline.

Describe the expected result that didn't happen

Expected results.

Actual Result

Actual results

Please include any build log output. If long, please paste it into a gist and link to it here.

Labelling and Assigning

If possible, please try to add any relevant label's for this issue, such as 'associations', 'Component-UmpleOnline', etc. as well as Priority- and Diffic- label.

If you are planning on fixing this issue, or know who will, please assign it to yourself.

In the above use Markdown for formatting.