
bug: Exploded Fatal Error 404 on export

miguelgargallo opened this issue · 5 comments

Steps To Reproduce

Daily tasks on v1 work well, this v2 not

Expected behavior

bug: Exploded Fatal Error 404 on export

Actual behavior

bug: Exploded Fatal Error 404 on export

Screenshots or video


Desktop (please complete the following information)

No response

Smartphone (please complete the following information)

No response

Environment (please complete the following information)

No response

Frontend Stack Trace

No response

Backend Stack Trace

No response

Additional context

No response

Hi @miguelgargallo,

Could you let me know the steps you followed prior to seeing this error? If you could send a screen recording of the steps leading up to this error and the .penpot file in which you are experiencing this to, it would be really helpful!

click on export, that's the step

with text justified everything explodes

Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to reproduce this behavior. Could you let me know the size, suffix and file format you are selecting when exporting? Could you also let me know if you are trying to export the text only or other objects as well?

Closing this due to inactivity and inability to reproduce. Feel free to comment with more details if you are still experiencing this issue.