
bug: Export shapes that are rotated act a bit strange when reimported

jordisala1991 opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create any shape (ideally a shape that is not the same width than height, so you notice better the problem)
  2. Apply a rotation
  3. Export the document using .zip format
  4. Re import the document and open it

Expected behavior

The shape is rotated, and I can select it correctly, and if I want to remove the rotation I can do it. (This is what happens with .penpot format, but not with .zip)

Actual behavior

The shape looks rotated, but I think internally penpot thinks its not. The mouse is only able to select if you click on the non rotated position (take a look at the video), and if you remove rotation, it looks like it is applying another rotation.

To give you more context, we are trying to apply rotations when exporting from Figma. And we encounter this issue, there are also other issues regarding rotations but lets do one by one.

Screenshots or video

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We also have more issues related to rotations but we can open different issues for them.

Hi @jordisala1991,

Thanks for reporting this! I have opened an issue on Taiga so that we can look into it, you can find the details here: