
bug: When drawing a line with an stroke cap, if you apply a inner shadow to it, the stroke cap partially disappears

jordisala1991 opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Draw a line (the direction of it does not matter)
  2. Apply a stroke cap (for example an arrow)
  3. Apply a inner shadow to it

Expected behavior

The line and the stroke cap get the inner shadow

Actual behavior

Part of the arrow is invisible now. It looks like after applying the inner shadow, the bounding box acts like a mask (when previously allowed the arrow cap to be outside its bounds)

Screenshots or video

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Environment (please complete the following information)

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Frontend Stack Trace

No response

Backend Stack Trace

No response

Additional context

No response


We've opened a bug at Taiga to track this issue from here. We will try to fix it soon.

Thanks for reporting it!