
feature: ScrollTo Interaction for Prototypes

jdittrich opened this issue · 1 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I would like to be able to prototype interactions that trigger not a navigation to a new board but a scroll to a position in the current board.

Describe the solution you'd like.

A scrollTo interaction similar to the one in figma

Describe alternatives you've considered.

One can copy the board and move the content to simulate scrolling.

Additional context

This is based upon the question “Scroll to” in prototypes (anchor links) by PenPot-Community user ValTOP.

Hi @jdittrich,

Thank you for the suggestion! We already have this feature planned into our backlog but it hasn't been prioritized yet, you can find it on Taiga here: I've linked this issue as well as the community post there so that hopefully we can prioritize this soon!

I'm closing this issue as there is already #4438 where this is being tracked as well.