
fast, intelligent javascript text truncation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Fast, intelligent Javascript text truncation


Truncate.js currently depends on jQuery. There are two ways to use Truncate.js:

As a jQuery plugin

// Initialize and truncate.
  lines: 2

// Update the HTML and truncate.
$('#truncate_me').truncate('update', 'new html to truncate');

// Undo the truncation.

// Redo the truncation (uses cached HTML).

// Update options.
$('#truncate_me').truncate('config', { lines : 3 });

As a vanilla Javascript object

// Initialize and truncate.
var truncated = new Truncate(document.getElementById('#truncate_me'), {
  lines: 2

// Update the HTML and truncate.
truncated.update('new html to truncate');

// Undo the truncation.

// Redo the truncation (uses cached HTML).

// Update options.
truncated.config({ lines : 3 });

// Check if content is truncated. (not supported as a jQuery plugin)
var isTruncated = truncated.isTruncated;

// Check if content is collapsed. (not supported as a jQuery plugin)
var isCollapsed = truncated.isCollapsed


  • lineHeight: The text line height (in px). default: "auto"
  • lines: The number of line maximum. default: 1
  • ellipsis: Text content to add at the truncation point. default: …
  • showMore: HTML to insert at the truncation point. Useful for a "Show More" button. default: ""
  • showLess: HTML to insert when .expand() is called. Useful for a "Show Less" button. default: ""
  • position: Position of the truncation. Possible values: start, middle, end. default: "end"
  • maxHeight: Truncate the content to fit in the specified height (in px).
  • wrap: Prevent words to be broken at truncation. Content breaks on full words if wrap is set to word. default: "letter"


Truncate.js does it's best to intelligently truncate through HTML. However, there are a few cases where it fails, mostly because the text height cannot be easily calculated.

  • truncating a node with floating element
  • truncating a node with descendant elements that have padding
  • truncating a node with text of varying line heights

The truncate position is also very difficult when set to middle and with nested elements.

See demo/demo.html for examples of what works and what doesn't.


You need gulp to build the library:

$ npm install
$ npm run build

The output is in the dist folder


It's very simple, hack on the code, ensure the lint and tests pass and submit a pull request. Rinse and repeat.

To install the developer packages you'll need node and npm installed on your machine. Then run:

$ npm install
$ npm run build

Or you can use Gulp directly:

$ npm install --global gulp-cli
$ npm install
$ gulp build

To run the linter:

$ npm run lint


To run the test suite:

$ npm run test


  • Mocha - Test runner, we use the bdd style.
  • Chai - Assertion library, we use assert style.
  • Gulp - Builder


Available under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.