
Steam Login not redirecting back to the sites

coooool123 opened this issue · 11 comments

Expected behavior

A successful login from hitting the login button and being redirected to the site as usual

Actual behavior

Once you hit the button it won't redirect you back to the page and won't login even though you have hit the login button (login button > sign in with credentials > page doesn't redirect back to the site instead it just stays on the login page after signing into it and doesn't redirect you to the previous pages)

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Hit the login button and the actual behavior listed above will happen


  1. [Operating System]: Ubuntu 16.04.4 x64
  2. [Node.js version]: whichever is listed on the steamapiskey sites
  3. [How did you start the script]: via putty + digital ocean

Error Stack

I opened up the console and had this message when trying to login "The SSL certificate used to load resources from will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See for more information."

All symantic certs are not being trusted by browsers as they were bought out. Therefore the are not a "trusted" certificate authority.

You need to update passport-steam, which can be done like so npm i passport-steam inside the script directory.

I put that command within the terminal but it still won't redirect

To be able to login do I need to purchase/install the steamapiskey key first?

No, to be able to login your config file needs to have proper URL's and Steam API key. key is required to load inventories and prices.

I received this error when I tried to run it through the directory - when i ran it through the root it was fine but had this at the end of it:

The error is still persistent please help

fix steam-passport library liamcurry/passport-steam#74

Thanks i'll try it out vlad since it seems the others aren't responding

@Vlady17 It still doesn't work for me!!I went to root/.npm/passport-steam and typed in the npm i passport-steam command and still nothing :(