
Add check_sketch_structure function

per1234 opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Correct case of sketch filename extension.
    • Recognized extensions are .ino and .pde.
      • Only that extension case is recognized on case-sensitive OS like Linux.
  • Folder name must match file name of one of the sketch files (.ino, .pde) it contains.
    • Folder/filename case mismatch causes move dialog when opening the sketch on filename case sensitive OS like Linux (verified).
  • Valid sketch name.
    • According to the Arduino IDE: "Sketch names can only consist of ASCII characters and numbers and be less than 64 characters long."
    • No spaces.
    • Starting with a number is not allowed with Arduino IDE 1.8.3 and older (OK with 1.8.4 and newer).
  • Only one sketch file that contains void setup() per folder