
Version strings

aramk opened this issue · 3 comments

Could support be added for version strings with various formats? The most common is major.minor.increment. We could provide an option for which to use, or a comparator function to determine the correct ordering.

zol commented

@aramk - Good idea. Right now you're free to use any numbering scheme you want but of course the ordering probably won't be right. I'll add a configuration option for a sort comparator and hopefully this will work solve your use case.

or just use timestamps like Rails.. Would make it easie in team where people do migrations on their own branches..

@zol you say we can use any scheme we want.. but they have to follow each other right? So we can't go from 4 to 6 right? Else timestamps would work right now.. I'm right about that assumption.. right? =)

zol commented

@jakobdamjensen they don't have to follow each other. They will be ordered by this line: so timestamps will work fine right now if that is how you want to organize your migrations.