
Interest in sharing my reactive booststrap UI to meteor-migrations?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I made a reactive admin panel for this migrations package. I was wondering if others have interest and hence if I should share it.

How it works
It's a simple reactive bootstrap interface that migrates between migrations and shows basic info all in a table.



Now with locked status and ability to unlock as shown @

I figure this should probably be it's own package with the meteor-migrations package as a dependency instead of fully integrating into the meteor-migrations package. Though if you want to integrate that's fine with me of course too.

I haven't published a meteor package before. Though since I'm using packages as my application organization structure it probably won't be too hard for me to isolate this from my application code. And a good learning for me experience too.

zol commented

Nice work @AnthonyAstige, that's rad!! I encourage you to share it as a package with migrations as a dependancy. We'd like to keep core very light.

Cool stuff @AnthonyAstige - let us know if you need any advice on how to packag-ize it.

Good to hear there's interest :)

I'm going to wait a little before packaging at least until I finish my first migration. I keep adding little tweaks and fixes as I use it. Which means it'll probably come some time next week as I'm a bit busy this weekend.

When I push forward packaging I'll reach out for advice if I get stuck. Thanks!

Good, I waiting 💯