
How to write meteor-migration script to insert a collection data to other collection ?

vsaran93 opened this issue · 1 comments

i need to insert one collection data to another collection. how can i write migration script for this purpose. card payments and corporate customer payment are two collections.

corporate customer payment collection has below attributes customerID,outsTanding,date,amount,headOfficeId,insertDate

cards collection has below attributes

i'm inserting cards collection following datas to corporate customer collection.
CustomerID -> card.customerID
outsTanding -> card.cartId
date -> card.insertDate
amount -> card.amount
headOfficeId -> card.headOfficeId

so how can i apply this change for old datas. how need i write meteor migration for up and down.
anyone who had this issue assist me

i have found a solution for this issue i used percolate:migrations package

 version: 2,
 name: 'Insert card payment details to customer payments',
 up: function() {

 let cardDetails = Cards.find({}).map(function(k){
				return k;
			for(let k=0;k<cardDetails.length;k++){
				let cusId = cardDetails[k].customerID;
				let todayDate = cardDetails[k].expireDate;
				let enteredAmount = parseFloat(cardDetails[k].card) +parseFloat(cardDetails[k].cash);
				let packageId = cardDetails[k].packageId;
				let headOfficeId = cardDetails[k].headOfficeId;
				let insertDate = cardDetails[k].insertDate;
				let author = cardDetails[k].author;
				let createdAt = cardDetails[k].createdAt;

 name: 'Delete card payment details to customer payments,
 down: function(){
			/* Removing card payment details to customer payments */
			CustomersPayments.remove({packageID: { $exists: true}});
