
Skipping large build resource

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I'm running into a an issue with large build resources: [percy][WARNING] Skipping large build resource: /assets/vendor.js.

What's the file size limit internally? Also, do you have any recommendations for this situation? I'm getting this on our vendor.js file so—is our app just too big for Percy?

That's just a warning, it doesn't actually affect the Percy build. For the ember client in particular, all the JavaScript is evaluated locally in your own test suite and an already-evaluated DOM snapshot is sent up to Percy for rendering—so, JS files are not even required in that case.

That's just a warning because the Percy API has file-size limits for build resources, but it shouldn't affect your builds. Are you seeing something wrong with your builds?

Our Percy setup is in limbo right now—I meant to ask you this a few weeks ago. We had some other issues in our test suite so Percy isn't actually running right now 😊 . I'll see if I can get things running properly again tomorrow and let you know if I hit any snags.

Thanks for the speedy response!