
Autogenerated name for QUnit tests

Closed this issue · 4 comments

We've been using percySnapshot(assert); to autogenerate the snapshot name in our tests and it's been working great. We're currently trying to upgrade to Ember 2.10 and our CI tests are filled with this error:

StatusCodeError: 400 - {"errors":[{"status":"bad_request"},{"source":{"pointer":"/data/attributes/base"},"detail":"The name of each snapshot must be unique, and this name already exists in the build: ...

Has anyone seen this before?

Hey @elidupuis — that's odd, what version of Ember are you upgrading from? We are currently running ember-percy in a 2.10 app with no problems.

We're upgrading all the way from Ember 2.6.2. Looks like we're a patch version behind on ember-percy and a couple on ember-cli-qunit. I'll update those and ping back here if the issue persists.

@fotinakis I'm still seeing this error after upgrading both addons.

Is there a limit on the length of the test name? Our test name are quite long and the first portion is the same in some cases but they all have unique endings:


Hey @elidupuis, there is not a limit on name lengths (if given a large one, we hash it internally so we can handle effectively infinite-length unique names). I reached out to you in-app so we can debug this a bit more realtime, just login to Percy and you should see my message.