
No module named json_schema_generator

VivekBansal opened this issue · 3 comments

I am new in python. I don't know how to solve this.

I am trying to execute the following command
python record example_movie.json schema_movie.json_schema

But I am getting the following error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in
import json_schema_generator
ImportError: No module named json_schema_generator

I executed the above command after navigating in bin folder. Please help me out

Now I am getting the following error

File "", line 9, in
import json_schema_generator
File "/Users/vivekbansal/Documents/Vivek/Drive D/JSONSchema/perenecabuto_jsonschemavalidator/Updated/json_schema_generator-0c02848dd5e9d132c75d390d098f91a0b99184b1/json_schema_generator/", line 2, in
from .validator import *
File "/Users/vivekbansal/Documents/Vivek/Drive D/JSONSchema/perenecabuto_jsonschemavalidator/Updated/json_schema_generator-0c02848dd5e9d132c75d390d098f91a0b99184b1/json_schema_generator/", line 4, in
from jsonschema import validate
ImportError: No module named jsonschema

What should I need to do for resolving this bug ?

This should be resolved if you used pip to install json schema generator. There is a dependency on jsonschema. Let me know if this is still happening.

If you didn't, you should be able to work around this by passing in PYTHONPATH, e.g. from repo root: PYTHONPATH=. python3 bin/ [...]