
Ubuntu 20 reverse ping test permissions

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It seems by default, Ubuntu 20.04 does not permit non-root users to issue ping commands, even after being added to sudoers. As a result, if using a non-root user for the toolkit web interface (which most people will do), the reverse-ping test will fail with a permission warning. Unfortunately I didn't save a screenshot before fixing the problem, but I suggest modifying the install script for the toolkit to allow non-root user this privilege.

This worked for me: setcap 'cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+ep' /usr/bin/ping

Nikola, GEANT PMP Team

Thanks for the report. This is caused by same issue as perfsonar/pscheduler#1350. Fix has been implemented and will be released with 5.0.5 which should be available in the next 24 hours or so.