This program is developed in the Batch scripting language.
It depends on additional tools such as 7za.exe, apktool.jar, and apktool_2.3.3.jar.
The program is designed to decompress or decompile Android applications with the ".apk" extension, enabling the modification of the code and improving the application.
With access to the source code, you can enhance an application, inject malicious code, or perform other modifications. However, this requires proficiency in Android programming.
- Java must be installed on your system.
- Download the latest version from
- Operating System
- windows
- Install Java
Steps to use the application:
- Download
Android Application Packages (APK) are the format used to distribute and install applications on Google’s Android operating system. There are several reasons you might want to decompile an APK:
- To understand how an application works.
- To increase the security and complexity of your own code.
- To analyze third-party applications (or even reverse-engineer them). With ApkªDcx, a command-line and graphical user interface (GUI) tool, you can extract the source code from DEX and APK files efficiently.
- application/: Contains the main program files.
- code/: Includes the source code, which you can modify and contribute to.
- documents/: Holds a detailed program report.
- icon/: Contains the icon used during program compilation.
- images/: Provides visual examples and usage tests.
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- Luishiño Pericena Choque - creador del programa - Pericena
Este proyecto está bajo la Licencia (Tu Licencia) - mira el archivo para detalles
Instalar JAVA
- Descargar ApkDcx
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📝 ✏️ por Pericena