DBI::err can be undefined when connection fails with an HandleError
atoomic opened this issue · 4 comments
Steps to reproduce:
- update to DBI 1.635 or 1.636
- run this code
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use v5.014;
sub handle_error {
my ( $str, $dbh, $retval ) = @_;
warn "one error...";
$dbh->{'RaiseError'};# and 'boom';
my $f = q{/tmp/I/do/not/exist!!!};
eval {
DBI->connect( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$f", "", "", { HandleError => \&handle_error } ) or die;
} or do {
say "catch...", $@;
say 'DBI::str: ', $DBI::err;
Before update to 1.636 ( or using df9b142^)
> perl524 test.pl
one error... at test.pl line 13.
DBI connect('dbname=/tmp/I/do/not/exist!!!','',...) failed: unable to open database file at test.pl line 22.
catch...Died at test.pl line 22.
DBI::str: 14
With 1.636 (or simply with df9b142)
> perl524 test.pl
one error... at test.pl line 13.
DBI connect('dbname=/tmp/I/do/not/exist!!!','',...) failed: unable to open database file at test.pl line 22.
catch...Died at test.pl line 22.
Use of uninitialized value $DBI::err in say at test.pl line 26.
This is a regression introduced by commit df9b142 which is adding an extra copy_statement_to_parent call.
Commenting the 'copy_statement_to_parent' call in set_err_sv fixes it.
The original copy_statement_to_parent was also checking that this was happening during an execute using 'ima_flags & IMA_COPY_UP_STMT' extra check. Wonder if you should also do the same thing there to avoid this problem.
Note that if we do not check $dbh->{'RaiseError'}; in the error handler than it's not triggered.
(commenting the #$dbh->{'RaiseError'};# and 'boom';
line do not expose the bug)
also reported to RT as https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=117874
FYI I'll close this as fixed unless I hear otherwise before long.