
How to add intermediate waypoints (via)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Does the API support intermediate waypoints as shown in the demo ?. How to achieve ?. Imported the (leaflet-headless) and (leaflet-routing-machine) modules , done something but in vain.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

the API in itself only allows two waypoints. Via points is trivial, though, since you can just do multiple route queries; for example, for a route A->B->C, first query the route A->B, then query the route B->C, and concatenate the results.

The code for the demo is available in the gh-pages branch. You can see more exactly how it interacts with Leaflet Routing Machine, by adding a customer router class, here:

Nice. saves time. Can we find an alternative route (i.e , second shortest route) ?.

@s9eenk nice idea, I added #17 to track this suggestion, although I can't promise I will do anything with it soon.

Note though, that more feature-full routing engines like OSRM and GraphHopper do not offer alternative routes when routing through via-points, only for A->B routing.