
Doc: Alternative-routing, example code update

Kayos113 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi there,

I noticed in that a few example codes were difficult to read at first glance. For example,
L.Routing.control({ [...] serviceUrl: 'http://my-osrm/route/v1' });
L.Routing.control({ [...] router: L.Routing.graphHopper('apiKey'); });

A small change to improve readability could be:
L.Routing.control({ waypoints: [...], router: L.Routing.graphHopper('apiKey') });
Unless there is something about control instantiation that I do not know yet, as I am posting this as a first time lrm user.

Good point!

I'm guessing the [...] were intended as a ways of abbreviating content as "any available other option(s)". The array syntax can be a bit confusing though, so changing it to what you proposed + a comment like // your other options go here sounds reasonable.

If you want, you can spin up a pull request

That makes sense that [...] was intended to represent all possible other options, though I appreciate your suggestion as I do think it would be an improvement to readability.

Quick question, I have a local repo now, but where do I find the documentation in the stack to make the edit?

You will have to checkout the gh-pages branch. That's the default branch of where the documentation files are located. (In VSCode there should be a button at the bottom-left where you can switch to it. Alternatively, via terminal you could use git checkout gh-pages. You can then find the docs in the tutorials folder.

Thank you for the help, PR just spun up

Thanks for your help and the PR! It just landed on the GitHub pages
(PR #662 for future reference)