
Autocomplete Results not shown when map is in fullscreen

Trekky12 opened this issue · 3 comments

I use Leaflet.fullscreen which uses requestFullscreen on the map container to show the map in a fullscreen mode.
When the map is in fullscreen the autocomplete results are no longer shown because the created Element is not a child of the map container div but a child of the body and therefore not shown.

Is it possible to make the autocomplete results div a child of the map container?

First things first: Happy New Year!

I agree this would be useful and I'm pretty sure it's not intentional behavior. Would you be okay with having an additional flag to toggle this? I would probably include this as a bug-fix release in v3 at first but that would mean breaking others who depend on the elements not being children of the map.

If that's fine, I'll add a new option to autocomplete in the coming days.

Happy New Year 🎆

thank you very much for your effort! An additional flag would be awesome.
I agree that existing configurations shouldn't break.

I didn't mean to close this immediately. Reopening until I figure out how to properly release a new minor version