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The current implementation use ethers to interact with the Ethereum like blockchains.
To work with Symbiosis SDK you should init Symbiosis
instance with config (check Config
type) and your CLIENT_ID
import { Symbiosis } from 'symbiosis-js-sdk'
const symbiosis = new Symbiosis('mainnet', 'awesome-app')
A combination of uniswap and bridging allowing you to swap any supported tokens between networks.
// Create new Swapping instance
const swapping = symbiosis.newSwapping()
// Calculates fee for swapping between networks and get execute function
const { execute, fee, tokenAmountOut, route, priceImpact } = await swapping.exactIn(
tokenAmountIn, // TokenAmount object
tokenOut, // Token object
from, // from account address
to, // to account address
revertableAddress, // account who can revert stucked transaction
slippage, // slippage
deadline, // deadline date in seconds
use1Inch // boolean (use 1inch router for swaps. default = true)
// Execute transaction
const { response, waitForMined } = await execute(
signer // ethers Signer instance to sign transaction
// Wait for transaction to be mined
const { receipt, waitForComplete } = await waitForMined()
// Wait for transaction to be completed on recipient chain
const log = await waitForComplete()
const swapping = symbiosis.newSwapping()
// transactionRequest contains everything you need to send a transaction by yourself
const { transactionRequest } = await swapping.exactIn(...)
// Send transaction or get receipt
const receipt = ...
// Wait for transaction to be completed on recipient chain
const log = await swapping.waitForComplete(receipt)
Cross-chain zaps automate liquidity adding to the Symbiosis stable pools, DeFi protocols, NFT, etc.
// Create new Swapping instance
const swapping = symbiosis.newZapping()
// Calculates fee for bridging between networks and get execute function
const { execute, fee, tokenAmountOut, route, priceImpact } = await swapping.exactIn(
tokenAmountIn, // TokenAmount object
poolAddress, // Stable pool address
poolChainId, // Stable pool chain id
from, // from account address
to, // to account address
revertableAddress, // account who can revert stucked transaction
slippage, // slippage
deadline, // deadline date in seconds
use1Inch // boolean (use 1inch router for swaps)
All next steps as in swapping example
Cross-chain zaps automate liquidity adding to the Symbiosis stable pools, DeFi protocols, NFT, etc.
// Create new Swapping instance
const swapping = symbiosis.newZappingAave()
const swapping = symbiosis.newZappingCream()
// Calculates fee for bridging between networks and get execute function
const { execute, fee, tokenAmountOut, route, priceImpact } = await swapping.exactIn(
tokenAmountIn, // TokenAmount object
tokenOut, // Token object
from, // from account address
to, // to account address
revertableAddress, // account who can revert stucked transaction
slippage, // slippage
deadline, // deadline date in seconds
use1Inch // boolean (use 1inch router for swaps)
All next steps as in swapping example
Bridging allows you to swap stable tokens between chains.
// Create new Bridging instance
const bridging = symbiosis.newBridging()
// Calculates fee for bridging and get execute function
const { execute, fee, tokenAmountOut } = await bridging.exactIn(
tokenAmountIn, // TokenAmount object
tokenOut, // Token object
to, // to account address
revertableAddress // account who can revert stucked transaction
// Execute transaction
const { response, waitForMined } = await execute(
signer // ethers Signer instance to sign transaction
// Wait for transaction to be mined
const { receipt, waitForComplete } = await waitForMined()
// Wait for transaction to be completed on recipient chain
const log = await waitForComplete()
const bridging = symbiosis.newBridging()
// transactionRequest contains everything you need to send a transaction by yourself
const { transactionRequest } = await bridging.exactIn(...)
// Send transaction or get receipt
const receipt = ...
// Wait for transaction to be completed on recipient chain
const log = await bridging.waitForComplete(receipt)
Sometimes relayers are unable to process your request for bridging. This could happen if you set the small/wrong fee or send the invalid calldata.
These requests can be found and cancelled.
import { getPendingRequests } from 'symbiosis-js-sdk'
// Get get all pending requests from all chains
const pendingRequests = await symbiosis.getPendingRequests(
address // Account address
// Create RevertPending instance
const revertPending = symbiosis.newRevertPending(
request // PendingRequest object
// Calculates fee for revert and get execute function
const { fee, execute } = await revertPending.revert()
// Execute transaction using signer
const { waitForMined } = await execute(signer)
// Wait for transaction to be mined
const { receipt, waitForComplete } = await waitForMined()
// Wait for transaction to be fully reverted on original sender chain
const log = await waitForComplete()
const revertPending = symbiosis.newRevertPending(request)
// transactionRequest contains everything you need to send a transaction by yourself
const { transactionRequest } = await revertPending.revert()
... // Send transaction
// Wait for transaction to be completed on recipient chain
const log = await revertPending.waitForComplete()