
Add IDs to perry reports

guilhermelimak opened this issue · 3 comments

Right now we don't have any identifiers on reports, it would be nice if we could generate a GUID on the client and keep the report ID consistent on all plugins.

We could use this function as a base and reinforce on the docs the need for checking for duplicates before saving the report, just to make sure.

What do you think @armand1m?

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I liked the idea of using GUID's generated for each report.

There is also this npm module, with a small footprint

and this small gist they reference

I think this needs more discussion since I'm trying to figure out a good reason to have a GUID generated in the client-side.

As the bug reporting process is a bit ephemerous I don't really believe such thing would be needed :/

Today speaking with @JackTheRipper , it seems that actually there are some few cool cases where an GUID per report is useful. Also I think I had misunderstood your description last time @guilhermelimak , but I got your point this time, we should indeed have this GUID for each report generated by the client for consistency purposes