Webmail Notifier knock-off
Opened this issue · 20 comments
Hey there. I have a Webmail Notifier that I think might be a knock-off, and I was wondering if you could help me add support for it.
1.9.3-p362 :002 > blinky = Blinky.new
Blinky::NoSupportedDevicesFound: Blinky was unable to find a supported device
The devices I did find were:
[#<LIBUSB::Device 250/1 05ac:8006 ? ? ? (Hi-speed Hub with single TT)>,
#<LIBUSB::Device 253/1 05ac:8006 ? ? ? (Hi-speed Hub with single TT)>,
#<LIBUSB::Device 253/2 0424:2513 ? ? ? (Hi-speed Hub with multiple TTs)>,
#<LIBUSB::Device 250/2 0424:2513 ? ? ? (Hi-speed Hub with multiple TTs)>,
#<LIBUSB::Device 250/3 05ac:850a ? ? ? (Interface Association Descriptor)>,
#<LIBUSB::Device 253/3 05ac:8404 ? ? ? (MassStorage SCSI Bluk-Only)>,
#<LIBUSB::Device 250/5 05ac:024c Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad ? (HID (01,01), HID (00,00), HID (01,02))>,
#<LIBUSB::Device 253/4 1294:1320 MAIL MAIL ? (HID (00,00))>]
from /Users/pete/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p362/gems/blinky-0.0.10/lib/blinky/light_factory.rb:14:in `detect_lights'
Had a bit of a poke about:
1.9.3-p362 :007 > mail = USB.devices[7]
=> #<LIBUSB::Device 253/4 1294:1320 MAIL MAIL ? (HID (00,00))>
1.9.3-p362 :008 > mail.id
mail.idProduct mail.idVendor
1.9.3-p362 :008 > mail.idVendor
=> 4756
1.9.3-p362 :009 > mail.idProduct
=> 4896
The idVendor
and idProduct
don't match inside recipes.rb
recipe DreamCheeky::WebmailNotifier, {:usb_vendor_id => 0x1d34,
:usb_product_id => 0x0004,
:description => "Dream Cheeky Webmail Notifier"}
I don't have any idea how to do this, but I'm willing to invest time to find out how. If you could give me a couple of tips, it would be much appreciated.
Found a driver in Python: http://svn3.xp-dev.com/svn/USBEmailNotifier/
Might see if I can get this to work and submit a PR.
In the Python code, this is all that appears to be needed:
import sys
from pywinusb import hid
'BLANK': 0,
'GREEN': 1,
'RED': 2,
"BLUE": 3,
"AQUA": 4,
"YELLOW": 5,
"VIOLET": 6,
"WHITE": 7}
# color is passed in as-is
def setLEDColor(color):
global Device
report = Device.find_output_reports()[ 0 ]
report[ 0xff000001 ][ 0 ] = color
My module looks like this at the moment:
module Blinky
module DX
module WebmailNotifier
COLOURS = { off: 0,
green: 1,
red: 2,
blue: 3,
aqua: 4,
yellow: 5,
violet: 6,
white: 7 }
def success!
def failure!
def building!
def warning!
def off!
def init
def colour!(key)
colour_value = COLOURS[key]
# @handle.usb_control_msg(request_type, request, value, index, bytes, timeout)
How do you go about finding what values to pass into the @handle.usb_control_msg
figuring out what values to pass can be a bit of an arcane art - I'd try leaving the values as they are in the Dream Cheeky plugin and just change what you pass as 'data'. For the 'data' try passing your colour number as hex (eg '\x01' etc) and padding out the rest with 0's
let me know how you get on.
Thanks. I sat down with someone more knowledgeable than me the other night to start to go through it. No luck yet, but I've got some starting points to go on.
If you're like me, you probably have an aversion to indefinitely open issues on GitHub, so if I haven't posted in a week, feel free to close this issue.
If you do get it working, please contribute the recipe back! :)
@perryn Will do. Have successfully managed to get it working on Windows. Keep running into issues with Mac OS X, but I think they're related to my setup rather than the code.
I ordered one of your knock offs so I can help check that it works on OSX if you send a pull request with the recipe :)
Awesome, thank you! I'll send a PR when I can. I left the working code uncommitted on a friend's computer, so it might be a few days until I can retrieve it.
Hey - did you manage to get that code? I'm trying to do it myself now, so anything you have would be a help. Don't worry about a PR, just paste it here if you like.
I think my work-in-progress Ruby script got accidentally scrapped, but what I basically used was something similar to https://gist.github.com/Aupajo/0627e30ac436bd1af5f0, just translated into RubyUSB.
Also worth noting that this script works in Windows, but I could only get one colour: blue, to varying degrees.
Actually, sorry, I think I've linked to the wrong script there. Let me see if I can find the proper one...
Edit: Just spent 45 minutes looking to no avail. Sorry :/
@Aupajo I'm afraid you may have the same crappy knock off as me, mine has the same 1294:1320 MAIL MAIL USB ID that you posted. If thats the case, what you will find is that the board bizarrely has three blue leds on it instead of a blue/red/green set so you will only ever be able to get blue, just varying brightness depending on how many of the 3 are on at once. Apparently these knock-offs are pretty rife on ebay.
On the plus side the code to make them work is pretty straight forward and you will find the c code from: https://github.com/andmarios/ledcontroller-3bit works fine, except of course that instead of getting different colours all you will get is 1,2 or 3 blue leds light up at the same time. BTW if you look in that code, the only important bits are:
though I've actually found on the units I have that the only the first byte is used and the remaining bytes don't need to be ox4, their values are ignored. Of course the guy who wrote that code must have had a unit which did actually have 3 diff coloured LEDs on his board, so maybe with his micro-controller those values do need to be 0x4. One last thing for posterity, I was able to make out the model of micro controller to be a: Sonix SN8P2203 though I doubt thats much use as reading its manual suggests its the firmware implementation burned in its ROM that actuallt determines most of how it responds over usb.
I tried running ledcontroller-3bit on OS X, but I get the output:
$ ./ledcontroller blue
error: Operation timed out
I've ported the code over to Ruby at Aupajo/blinky webmail_notifier.rb, but I get:
$ irb
1.9.3-p362 :001 > require './lib/blinky'; Blinky.new.light.success!
from /Users/pete/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p362/gems/libusb-0.2.2/lib/libusb/constants.rb:46:in `raise_error'
from /Users/pete/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p362/gems/libusb-0.2.2/lib/libusb/transfer.rb:135:in `submit!'
from /Users/pete/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p362/gems/libusb-0.2.2/lib/libusb/transfer.rb:162:in `submit_and_wait!'
from /Users/pete/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p362/gems/libusb-0.2.2/lib/libusb/dev_handle.rb:338:in `interrupt_transfer'
from /Users/pete/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p362/gems/libusb-0.2.2/lib/libusb/compat.rb:331:in `usb_interrupt_write'
from /Users/pete/Workspace/forkful/blinky/lib/device_recipes/dx/webmail_notifier.rb:41:in `change!'
from /Users/pete/Workspace/forkful/blinky/lib/device_recipes/dx/webmail_notifier.rb:14:in `success!'
from (irb):1
Not sure where to go from here. Might play around a bit more.
Sorry @Aupajo I should have said I only got it working on Linux.
I don't know anything about how USB device permissions are handled on OSX, but in Linux desktop distros, udev is is sued to manage devices and in order to be able to write to the device without having to be root I needed to add a udev rule (in /etc/udev/rules.d/80-usblights.rules):
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1294", ATTR{idProduct}=="1320", MODE="0600", OWNER="maks"
Also in Linux there is a handy utility lsusb
with a -v
option to give you detailed information about the usb devices attached. Using that I was able to confirm that the device had a second "interrupt" end point that took a max of 5 bytes, here's the snippet from that output:
Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x02 EP 2 OUT
bmAttributes 3
Transfer Type Interrupt
Synch Type None
Usage Type Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0005 1x 5 bytes
bInterval 10
Hopefully you will be able to translate this across to whatever equivalent tools OSX has for this and it might help you track down why its not working for you.
Unfortunately I don't actually know a huge amount about USB. Perhaps together we can figure this out.
@maks, the python code seems to be sending data via an 'output report', whereas your code is using an 'out interrupt'. I'm having trouble finding something that explains the difference?