
Does not allow to accept fingerprint.

KsenZ opened this issue · 2 comments

KsenZ commented

When I connect to a server, I get:

CONNECTING WITH 'VPS' (Tue May 14 09:34:45 2019) =->

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:BMWe11mjOE4Y47WaDtEe7m38A65wYixlSyU/sqHshyw.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes/no
Please type 'yes', 'no' or the fingerprint: yes

<-= DISCONNECTED (PRESS TO RECONNECT) (Tue May 14 09:35:27 2019)

After I connect via a regular terminal and accept the server's fingerprint, I can log in to the server with PAC Manager.

Debug output attached

This is likely due to configuration of Preferences->Main Options->Advanced->Host-key verification string.
Your remote node is prompting `Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? '. The "/[fingerprint]" part is non-standard, or at least not handled by the default setting.
The problem with the default setting is that variable $yes gets the value "yes/no" and the variable $no becomes "[fingerprint]".
You could try changing this setting to
^.+ontinue connecting \((.+?)\/(.+?)[/\)].*?\?\s*$
This should collect the strings "yes" and "no" correctly even if "no" is followed by "/[fingerprint]".

Disclaimer: I don't use pac anymore as it is not maintained anymore, so I haven't tested the above.
Try using Asbru Connection manager, which is a maintained fork:

@merikz Your solution worked for me, thx. Asbru-cm 6.3.0, running on ubuntu 20.04.2