
Comments and labels for individual points

Opened this issue · 1 comments

feature request.
If it is possible, it would be great to have an option for custom label field for every point (and optionally display it). We use ddG at our lab for rather specific purpose, and it is already great! With labels it would be even better as a count tool.
For example, class X has multiple points, with numbers or any other characteristic of choice.
Point in CooRecorder

Keep up the good work, we are grateful for you software :)

Hmm...point level information. That is a rather specific need.

Adding needed fields to the data structure - super easy. Nicely displaying fields on image - pretty easy. Coming up with a way to effectively / efficiently enter point level data - a bit of work. Would likely require an overhaul of the interface.

I am going to leave this ticket open to see if anyone else comments on this as a need. In the mean time, hit the [Contact Us] button on the download page so we could set up a time to chat and further discuss.