
List example repos

stefan-balke opened this issue · 4 comments


working with pescador in a couple of projects, I realize that I learned most from looking at other implementations.

Maybe we could compile a list of some projects using pescador, maybe sorted by framework?
This goes beyond the gallery and does not necessarily have to be didactic. It's rather a source of "inspiration".



good, idea. Also since e.g. there is not that much of pytorch specific things when using it together with pescador, but it might still help others to start. Thats why will probably just close out #133.

@stefan-balke we can make a few things public in a couple of weeks

@faroit any news re: your PyTorch application of pescador?

we put the usage of pescador in combination with pytorch on hold for now until a non-index based dataset class is implemented. Of course, one could use pescador in combination with pytorch to yield batches – bypassing the efficient dataloaders but that significantly slows down training.
I have high hopes in a new Iteratable dataset that is currently developed by the pytorch folks. So, stay tuned...

I have high hopes in a new Iteratable dataset that is currently developed by the pytorch folks. So, stay tuned...

its merged and available in the 1.2 nighly built of pytorch. I will give it a try soon and see if I can create a pescador example