
post_ok doesn't recognize any LWP_options

Closed this issue · 9 comments

The hashref of LWP_options for post_ok is passed to $mech->post as a reference instead of as a list. This means that it is useless for setting any request options (Content-Type is the one I care about here), and can only set form parameters.

Compare (from post_ok):

$self->post( $url, \%opts );

vs. (from get_ok)

$self->get( $url, %opts );

Fix post_ok method and pass %opts to the method instead of \%opts.

I think I have a patch that allows access to the full range of post()'s capabilities without breaking backward compatibility for existing users of post_ok().

I'd love to see it.

Trying to figure out how to reference the issue in a pull request. Hopefully won't take too long.

Can this be merged? It's two and a half years later and I just had to override post_ok in order to resolve this bug.

I contend that this is a bug because the docs say I can pass options just like the parent class, except as a hashref, and when I do that, it doesn't unpack the hashref back into the hash.

Of course, this is kinda hard to do because the parent class takes a list, and interprets it differently - not all invocations of HTTP::Request::Common::POST are hash-shaped:

POST $url, $form_ref, Header => Value,...

This invocation differs because the hash-shaped list starts at argument [2] not argument [1]

I've created a documentation only change pull request in an attempt to address this. Hopefully that's something that works for everyone as a middle ground.

I'm happy to discuss if anyone is interested.

I just hit this problem as well, trying to simulate an LWP::UserAgent->post($url, Content=>'...', 'Content_Type'=>'application/json') call.

Traced the problem to post_ok() passing options as a hash-ref to LWP::UserAgent->post (via WWW::Mechanize) instead of a hash.

This has bit a ton of people. You have a PR, and you have an issue but yet you don't want to fix..
Its not like this is a huge lib id say fork it but they have "claimed" the namespace" ohhh lovely perl cpan woes.

Ran into this as well, bumping.


TJC commented

+1 -- just wasted a while trying to figure out why the content-type wasn't getting set correctly in my unit tests :(