
Midi Flush not working

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Need to cancel the sending of packets that were previously scheduled for future delivery.

Tried with this:
for (int i=0;i<midi.destinations.count;i++){
PGMidiDestination *destination = [[midi destinations] objectAtIndex:i];
[destination flushOutput];

Not working, then, I add these methods to

  • (void) flushOutput {

  • (void) flushOutput2
    for (ItemCount index = 0; index < MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations(); ++index)
    MIDIEndpointRef outputEndpoint = MIDIGetDestination(index);
    if (outputEndpoint) {MIDIFlushOutput(outputEndpoint); }

Not working, the sended notes still playing after flush. Any ideas ?

Same, specifically over network MIDI.

Non-network destination stops sending as expected.