
Suggestion: Performance comparisons

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Since you guys rolled out all these different options, it would be great to see load time comparisons in order to see how they each perform independently (bundle.js, css, etc)

Thank you and great work

sounds like a great addition. what metrics have you in mind?

gzip file size, rendering time...

Hey @peter-mouland, for me but this should not be a limitation, I care about the production bundle.js file size and css file size which in turn will drive the rendering time. So you could have a table that showcase sizes for all these components including gzip and rendering time.

For more context on my end: I have been on a hunt for a boilerplate that is very efficient in production mode and that has certain features... I used and drilled down to 8 different ones (yours included). Out of those, 3 just did not even load as documented so they were trashed. And the simplest/fastest one that I was able to testso far is this one: which has a bundle.js size of only 162KB which is not bad at all. I have seen smaller but those seem to hide larger files in the background...

So naturally if there are ways to optimize that I am all ears :)

I hope this makes more sense?