
SetEnvIf version of nG Firewall

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


An nG Firewall fork that replicates its functionality in httpd using mod_setenvif and tracks the upstream release. The trade-off is between the efficiency gained over mod_rewrite and having to defer to any existing rewrite rules (eg for permalink settings).

The focus being on performance, no logging facility is provided in addition to httpd's native logs. Backreference support has been removed to minimise memory footprint. Use mod_rewrite for testing before deploying nG-SetEnvIf.


Use case: httpd.conf
Requires: mod_setenvif, mod_authz_core, mod_log_config
Documentation: See discussions in Using mod_rewrite to control access
Known issues & recipes: See Wiki
Upstream version: 8G, courtesy of Jeff Starr
Desideratum: Porting to Cloudflare's free-tier WAF