
Use free fonts for exported documents

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Currently, exported documents use Windows fonts, like Courier New and Segoe UI.
Segoe UI in spreadsheets could be replaced with Carlito, which is LibreOffice's Calibri clone.
Unfortunately, there is currently no nice typewriter-like font included with LibreOffice.

Here is a list of the fonts that come with LibreOffice:

  • Liberation Mono claims to be metrically compatible with Courier New, but makes reading long texts tedious.
  • DejaVu Sans Mono is very similar to Liberation Mono. It seems to be metrically compatible with Courier New.
  • Miriam Mono looks anaemic and has no umlauts.
  • Noto Mono is not metrically compatible with Courier New, and it is even harder to read than Liberation Mono

LibreOffice seems to automatically replace fonts that aren't installed with its own metrically compatible ones.

So best keep Courier New for ODT export and replace Segoe UI 10 with Calibri 10.5 for ODS export.

With v1.3.1, the "Segoe UI 10" font is replaced with "Calibri 10.5" for ODF document export. So under Linux, LibreOffice is expected to do the appropriate replacements.
OpenOffice, which does not bundle free fonts, benefits from this.