

cbmainz opened this issue · 6 comments

Will this support also the upcoming KORG NUTEKT NTS-1? Would be great if it would.

Thanks for sharing this project.

Hey! Yeah should definitely be doable, although I won’t be able to test it until December according to what the dealers in Sweden tell me! I’ll try to put some effort in within a few weeks.

Any delivery estimates where you’re at?

Tanks for the interest :)

Check out version 1.5 with untested builds for the NTS-1! 👍

@peterall did you have the chance to test them yet? I loaded all the Plaits-based oscillators on my NTS-1 but they sound very strange and buggy.

edit: so I just wonder if this is an issue just on my side or not.

@peterall did you have the chance to test them yet? I loaded all the Plaits-based oscillators on my NTS-1 but they sound very strange and buggy.

@gilbertohasnofb I posted a PR #6 for this issue.
You can download prebuilt binaries I made with the PR from:

@boochow Thank you so much for those builds, they work absolutely fine on my NTS-1. Many thanks!

@boochow Hey very cool, thanks for contributing, I'll check it out when I get a chance! And thanks @gilbertohasnofb for testing :)