
Command line interface

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'd love to expand the current example/run_mincss into a proper command line interface in order to open the tool up to a wider audience.

The initial features off the top of my head are:

  • Save to file (creates a new .css file in a specified output dir)
  • Crawl site (takes a start url, then crawls all [internal] links to build up an array of urls to be processed)

Let me know if you think this is worthwhile and I'll get started.

Go for it! The project is has over 300 followers so I'm sure your contribution will get a decent amount of attention.

I'm very welcome to the idea. I'll support you with code review and sounding board to bounce ideas with.

Right now, I'm not using the command line tool myself on my site but I'm sure a lot of people would be interested.

Save to file (creates a new .css file in a specified output dir)

+1, my heart still aches when producing HTML emails from Bootstrap-using web pages (or elements from such pages). This would be fantastic for preprocessing the site's CSS before giving it to e.g. for inlining (they just blindly inline everything, which is great, but means I send all of Bootstrap in each email .. or I would, if I didn't use this tool).