minimalcss returns no css
anuragphadke opened this issue · 3 comments
anuragphadke commented
I installed the latest version of minimal css and built it, however, running the code for a specific website does not return any css.
the above returns an empty line.
Any idea what could be the issue here?
peterbe commented
No idea what's up with that. It's an odd behaving site but I can't tell what's going on. Is this your site? Do you know if this problem persists on all Wix sites?
anuragphadke commented
@peterbe : it's not my website, I am trying different options that will allow me to get the exact amount of CSS that is used to render a given page. Tried puppeteer with CSS coverage, it works most of the time, so trying to see other options.
peterbe commented
I wish I had time to better understand why it's not finding any CSS on that site.