
Please add tags

Opened this issue · 4 comments

last update tags are missing in your repo (6.0.1, 6.0.2). It is not easy for packager to follow your changes. Could you add them ?


@peterbraden please add 7.0.0 tag as well !
BTW this is what i do to bump a new version on a clean git repo:

nothing=`git status -s`
if [ ! -z "$nothing" ]; then git stash -u ; fi
npm version $version -m "Version %s" --allow-same-version
git push && git push --tags
npm publish
if [ ! -z "$nothing" ]; then git stash apply; fi
cd myopensourcenpmmodule
npmp 1.2.3

Can someone add a PR to add a github job to do this automatically?

No idea how to do this.
Meanwhile it would be great to just get the tag (it's blocking things here in debian).