is there a way to combine the fan?
jgeorge1983 opened this issue · 0 comments
I hope this is the correct way to ask this?
I notice that you mention the code was partly pulled from the homebridge plugin. I have used the homebridge plugin and what i like is that on my iFan03, it combines the fan function into one button, which acts on a slider.
I wanted to use the homeassistant plugin becuase i want to pull the fan controll through to apple home, but not the light. But the fan shows as 3 seperate switches. I know i can combine the 3 within home, but that only gives me the option on or off, then i need to go into each switch seperatly to turn the speed up.
Is there a way to change this or is this how it is?
Either way, great work and always appreciate the effort people put into these things.