
I have doubt on PrefixHistory

Closed this issue · 2 comments

			case ctrlP: // up
				historyAction = true
				if historyStale {
					historyPrefix = s.getHistoryByPrefix(string(line))
					historyPos = len(historyPrefix)
					historyStale = false

liner checks prefix when searching for history via pressing Up or Down, while Linux shell doesn't check the prefix.

You are correct, liner is unlike bash in this instance.

Language note: In English, the phrase "I have a doubt" is pejorative. I don't believe you were trying to insult me, I believe we are victims of a poor translation. Better would be "I have a question" (although in this case, you didn't phrase it as a question, so perhaps "I am uncertain" would be better). I have seen this particular incorrect translation in many places, so if you could file a bug report with your dictionary and/or translation software and/or language teacher, I would appreciate it.

Hi peterh, my English is not good. I used translation software to express my meaning. I apologize for using the wrong syntax.