database instance names contain redundant data
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Database instance names all look like the following:
Note that only the first eight characters change. The remaining are all identical: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
This is because the bytes are generated with this function:
Line 63 in 063644d
The function doesn't do what it's meant to. hash.Sum(bytes)
is not generating a hash of the 4 random bytes, but rather generating a constant hash of empty data and appending it to the four random bytes.
Besides this bug in the code, though, the general idea of taking a hash of the 4 random bytes is odd. It adds no entropy and only serves to make the id longer and unwieldy.
I'd suggest replacing this with a call to stdlib uuid
The function doesn't do what it's meant to. hash.Sum(bytes) is not generating a hash of the 4 random bytes, but rather generating a constant hash of empty data and appending it to the four random bytes.
Good catch! You're right.
Besides this bug in the code, though, the general idea of taking a hash of the 4 random bytes is odd. It adds no entropy and only serves to make the id longer and unwieldy.
Wish I could remember what I was thinking — I agree with you.
I'd suggest replacing this with a call to stdlib uuid.
I'm going to fix it by just hexifying the bytes and removing the hashing part, makes for a nice short string with the same amount of entropy. PR coming shortly.