
ROTGRID/APA/Irregular and other pain in the a** Tables

Opened this issue · 12 comments

We need to create a way to make such tables machine readable.

activity_result | table_no | tabletype | notes

3. Results and Discussion >> 3.1 Antioxidant Activity Table 2 ROTGRID(OAP5+X)  
  1. Results and Discussion >> 3.4 Larvacidal Activity | Table 3 | ROTGRID(OAS*P7+X) | ROTGRID
  2. Results and Discussion >> 3,3 Antimicrobial Activity | Table 4 | ROTGRID(OAS*P4) |  
  3. Results and Discussion >> 3,3 Antimicrobial Activity | Table 5 | GRID(OAS*P4) |  
  4. Results and Discussion >> 3.4 Larvacidal Activity | Table 6 | ROTGRID(OAS*P6) | Abnormal table.
ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype notes table_title Table_footnote
PMC5324201 Antioxidant Methods >> Antioxidant activity Results >> Antioxidant activity on DPPH radical Table 11 IRREG(OC2A*P8) ?? CHECK P VALUE because the Standard antioxidants seem to share values in their Dose and Log columns, but have individual columns for each of their Average percent values Antioxidant activity of Anethum sowa L. root essential oil and standards ASA Ascorbic acid, BHT Tert-butyl-1-hydroxytoluene, Mean ± SD
PMC5324201 Cytotoxicity Methods >> Cytotoxic activity of brine shrimp lethality bioassay Results >> Brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay Table 12 APA(OCA*P8)   Effect of vincristine sulphate and essential oil of Anethum sowa L root on brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay ASA Ascorbic acid, BHT Tert-butyl-1-hydroxytoluene, Mean ± SD
PMC5324201 Antimicrobial Methods >> Antimicrobial activity test Results >> Antimicrobial activity of Anethum sowa L. root essential oil Table 13 APA(OC2AS10P5)   Anti-bacterial activity (Zone of Inhibition) of Anethum sowa L. root essential oil by diffusion method CP Standard Ciprofloxacin (5 μg/disc), TE Standard Tetracycline (30 μg/disc)
PMC5324201 Antimicrobial Methods >> Antimicrobial activity test Results >> Antimicrobial activity of Anethum sowa L. root essential oil Table 14 APA(OCA*P2) I'm treating MIC and MBC as two parameters tested against one oil and one Control. I hope that’s correct. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of Anethum sowa L. root essential oil and standard ciprofloxacin Std. CP Standard Ciprofloxacin

These tables are Bananas.

ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny) notes tabletype_final (Peter) table_title Table_footnote Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
PMC5397855 Insecticidal (EO Test) MATERIALS AND METHODS >> Repellency test METHODS >> Mortality test Table 1 GRID(OC2AS3P4??? In this case S = Instect stage (Larva, Pupa, Adult). Also note the footnote says 2LC50 and 99 but the table results is 90, not 99). I don’t konw how to account for the two concentrations. Perhaps as two controls??   Lethal concentrations of the garlic essential oil against different developmental stages of Tenebrio molitor after 48 hours exposure. 1IS, insect stage; 2LC50 and 99, lethal concentration causing 50, 90 and 99% mortality; 3EV, estimated value; 4CI, confidential interval; 5X2, chi-squared value for the lethal concentrations and fiducial limits based on a log scale with significance level at P < 0.001. 1IS 2LC 3VE 4IC 5 X 2
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PMC5397855 Insecticidal (EO Constituents: diallyl sulfide and diallyl disulfide) MATERIALS AND METHODS >> Repellency test METHODS >> Mortality test Table 3 GRID(O2AS3*??? Notes: O = EO constituents in this case, not a whole EO. S = Different life stages of the same species,   Lethal concentrations of the diallyl sulfide and diallyl disulfide on different developmental stages of Tenebrio molitor after 48 hours exposure. 1IS, insect stage; 2LC50 and 99, lethal concentration causing 50, 90 and 99% mortality; 3EV, estimated value; 4CI, confidential interval; 5X2, chi-squared value for the lethal concentrations and fiducial limits based on a log scale with significance level at P < 0.001. Compounds 1IS 2LC 3VE mg mL −1 4IC mg mL −1


ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny)
5412227 Antimicrobial Material and methods >> Minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) Results and Discussion >> Antimicrobial activity Table 3 APA(OC2AS12P3)
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5423258 antimicrobial Experimental >> Testing for antimicrobial activities Results and Discussion >> Table 4 APA(O3CA2S8*P2)


ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny) notes tabletype_final (Peter) table_title Table_footnote Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7
PMC5454990 Antibacterial and Cytotoxicity Materials and Methods >> Antibacterial Assay Results and Discussion >> Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities Table 3 APA(     Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Ocotea essential oils and some major essential oil components. MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; IC50, median inhibitory concentration. P. aer (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), E. coli (Escherichia coli), S. epi (Staphylococcus epidermidis), S. aur (Staphylococcus aureus), B. cer (Bacillus cereus). Material {oils and components} P. aer E. coli S. epi S. aur B. cer -MCF7.00
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ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny) notes tabletype_final (Peter) table_title Table_footnote Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 Col8
5485486 Antibacterial Material and Methods >> Bacterial Culturing Conditions >> MICs and MBCs Determination Results >> Antibacterial Assays >> Determination of MIC and MBC Table 3 APA(OC2AS3*P7)     Inhibition zone diameters (mm) of A. citriodora essential oils on bacterial strains. ∗AG: Agadir. BM: Beni Mellal. BE: Berkane. DE: Demnate. MA: Marrakech. Bacterial strains AG∗ BM∗ BE∗ DE∗ MA∗ Ceftriaxone Ofloxacin
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NOVELTY: This one has EO Origin as first (unnamed) column!

ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny) notes tabletype_final (Peter) table_title Table_footnote Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
PMC5485486 Cytotoxicity Material and Methods >> Cytotoxicity Assay Results >> Essential Oils Mediated Cell Cytotoxicity Table 4 APA This one has EO Origin as first (unnamed) column!   Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of A. citriodora essential oils. ∗AG: Agadir. BM: Beni Mellal. BE: Berkane. DE: Demnate. MA: Marrakech. EO Origin MIC MBC MIC MBC
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Tricky one. Although there are only 7k column headings, below he header, the first 5 are split into two columns each representing Oil and Control

ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny) notes tabletype_final (Peter) table_title Table_footnote Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7
5497343 antibacterial Antibacterial test >> Determination of antibacterial properties Result >> MBC of the essential oil Table 3 APA Tricky one. Although there are only 7k column headings, below he header, the first 5 are split into two columns each representing Oil and Control   [table_titl Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of essential oil of T. minuta flower e] Key: A = Essential oil, B = ciprofloxacin, + = Growth, − = no growth Bacteria 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.06 0.03 MIC(mg/mL)
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5497343 Antibacterial (Bactericidal) Antibacterial test >> Determination of antibacterial properties Result >> MBC of the essential oil Table 4 APA Tricky one. Although there are only 7k column headings, below he header, the first 5 are split into two columns each representing Oil and Control   Minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of essential oil of T. minuta flower Key: A = oil, B = ciprofloxacin, + = Growth, − = no growth Bacteria 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.06 0.03 MIC(mg/mL)
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ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny) notes tabletype_final (Peter) table_title Table_footnote Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
PM5543433 Antimicrobial Antimicrobial activity >> Determination of MIC and MFC Results and discussion >> Antimicrobial activities Table 2 APA(OCAS9*P2) Note: Includes Gram pos/neg separation rows I don’t know why there is only one MIC … unless the one for the control is a known quantity.   Antifungal activity of ClEO and determination of the Minimum Fungicidal Concentrations (MFCs) expressed in mg/ml Values are given as mean ± S.D. of triplicate experiments aDiameter of inhibition zones of including diameter of disc 6 mm b EO Lemon citrus essential oil (50 μl/well) cThe used concentration of Gentamicin was 10 μg/well Strains EOb Gentamicinc MIC (mg/ml)
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See notes

ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny) notes tabletype_final (Peter) table_title Table_footnote Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6
5543433 pH value changes?? Methods >> Antioxidant testing assays >> DPPH radical scavenging activity Results and discussion >> Antioxidant activities Table 4 IRREG ??? Instead of a column heading, there are two below-the-header sections (similar to gram-pro/neg), to distinguish rows measuring pH and TBARS   Effect of ClEO and their combination with BHT on pH and TBARS (mg of malonaldehyde equivalents per kg of sample (mg/kg) of raw minced meat beef during storage at 4 °C ±: Standard Error a-dAverages with different letters in the same column, for each parameter, are different (P < 0.05); C (Control), T1 (EO: 0.06%), T2 (EO: 0.312%), T3 (BHT: 0.01%), T4 (EO 0.312% and BHT 0.01%) ??? Instead of a column heading, there are two below-the-header sections (similar to gram-pro/neg), to distinguish rows measuring pH and TBARS 0 2 4 8 10
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... ok, now they're just screwing with us. SOO irregular

ID activity (antimicrobial = antibacterial + antifungal) activity_method activity_result table_no tabletype_draft (Manny) notes tabletype_final (Peter) table_title Table_footnote Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
5551175 antitrypanosomal ?? Results and Discussion >> Inhibition of Trypanosoma brucei Proliferation : antitrypanosomal Table 2 IRREG     Inhibitory effects of essential oils from Cameroonian plants against Trypanosoma brucei brucei TC221 and Balb/3T3 cells. IC50: half maximal inhibitory concentration. Treatment T. b. brucei (TC221) Balb/3T3 Selectivity Index (SI)
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Screenshot 2019-11-07 19 18 09

Thanks for committing the images of tables; these will be useful and we can discuss