
quick test on latest FF

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Tested on FF 96

  • Links not working (i cannot open a link, only delink a text)
  • when reordering images i get a duplicated image in the new and old spot.

Confirmed on 97.0 (64-bit) macOS 12.3 beta

Thanks! agree on both, can reproduce with FF 97 too.

The image reordering happens in Chrome too.


  • creating links on Firefox should now be fixed
  • removing links works too however I am not able to preserve the styles (colors etc.) of the children when I do so. It works in Safari and Chrome but not in FF. Seems the selection API behaves differently on FF. I can live with it. If you want to give a try, that's the removeLink function.

Img cloned on drag: solved

Super cool stuffs, fixing this issue forced me to develop two improvements I had in mind for a long time 😁.
Therefore thanks a lot, it really pushed forward the library!

Let me know if does not work out or if it needs other fixes.