
Support in Sourcetree 4.0.1 - Minor Release [09 January 2020]

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I was able to successfully install gitglow-avh and it's working as expected via command line. I'm planning on doing some workshops and wanted to give other developers an option of using Sourcetree. When I try to configure Sourcetree and use avh, I get the following error:

Sourcetree requires a recent version of git-flow which includes 2 pull requests which were added to the 'develop' branch of the official git-flow repository ( from 9th July 2012 onwards.
. Your system version of git-flow MUST include these pull requests, numbered #222 and #223.

Same here. I'm not sure how exactly does Sourcetree claim to support gitflow-avh, when it doesn't allow us to use it.
Is it possible to integrate those pull requests?
