
gitattributes ignored during merge

Timothy626 opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm tracking a file in both develop and master that I DO NOT want to be overwritten when I do a merge. It's a config file that has to be different in production (master) and qa (develop).

I setup a .gitattributes file (master and develop), added "myfile merge=ours", updated the .git/config accordingly. Doing a standard merge in either direction, master -> develop or develop -> master works as expected. The "myfile" does not get changed, no merge conflicts.

But when I finish a "git flow release", while there are still no conflicts, the develop version of the "myfile" gets overwritten with the master version. It seems to be ignoring the .gitattributes settings.

Checked through the docs thoroughly and don't see anything special that I should be doing.

Any advice would be appreciated!