AWS Mumbai Region not working
Opened this issue · 4 comments
This is not recognizing aws mumbai and other regions. But US region working fine. Please fix the issue.
Hi , have you find solution how it will work in other regions. Please help. Thanks.
You have to mention your own parameters like below in properties file
Profile section name from the .aws/credentials file
Optional - if not specified, the default credentials are assumed
credentialsProfileName = default
Optional - if not specified, us-east-1 is assumed
credentialsRegion = us-east-1 //mention if you have other region
Start and end date/time.
Note that the timezone used is based on the default timezone on the system where this utility is executed.
startTime = 2015-01-03 00:00:00
endTime = 2015-01-03 23:59:00
Target path/name of the output spreadsheet. This prefix name will have "_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.xlsx" appended
xlsPathNamePrefix = /home/pete.zybrick/temp/first
Extraction Sets: values required to extract a given set of CloudWatch data
Each name in the set has a sequential number attached
Each set will create a single sheet in the output XLS, with the sheet name being "namespace-n", i.e. AWS-EC2-0, AWS-ELB-1, etc.
Namespace, Dimension, Metric and Statistic values are in the CloudWatch Developers Guide
namespace.n = Valid Namespace, i.e. AWS/EC2
periodMinutes.n = Number of minutes in measurement period, i.e. 60 will return hourly values
dimensionName.n = Valid Dimension for the specified Namespace, i.e. InstanceId for AWS/EC2
dimensionValues.n = Blank-delimited list of values based on the DimensionName, i.e. if
dimensionName.n=InstanceId, then dimensionValues.n=i-a1a1a1a1 i-b2b2b2b2 etc.
metricStatisticNames.n = Blank delimited list of Metric|Statistic names. Each Metric|Statistic name
consists of a Metric valid for the Namespace and DimensionName (i.e CPUUtilization
is valid for AWS/EC2 and InstanceId)
1. The same namespace can be used multiple times with different Dimensions. For example, to get metrics/statistics
for a ELB based on the dimensions LoadBalancerName and AvailabilityZone:
namespace.0 = AWS/ELB
periodMinutes.0 = 15
dimensionName.0 = LoadBalancerName
dimensionValues.0 = GoCollette
metricStatisticNames.0 = HealthyHostCount|Average UnHealthyHostCount|Average
namespace.1 = AWS/ELB
periodMinutes.1 = 15
dimensionName.1 = AvailabilityZone
dimensionValues.1 = us-west-2a us-west-2b
metricStatisticNames.1 = HealthyHostCount|Average UnHealthyHostCount|Average
then go to the folder then type runcwxls your file name is
It will extract the metrics and save the file in excel format in the path that you had mentioned.
The problem is related to the outdated aws java SDK, it does not include all regions. I got the tool working by updating to