
Add toxlsm function

carlcorder opened this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to create a toxlsm function that basically wraps toxlsm but passes keyword args (specifically keep_vba=True) down to _load_or_create_workbook so that saving a .xlsm file is possible?

I did a quick search of all the issues and didn't see anything on this. My apologies if it has already been discussed.

It looks good to me:

  • I don't know any previous attempt at coding this feature.
  • It's a nice feature for adding in petl.
  • It can be done in a few different ways:
    • a parameter here can work.
    • a new function named toxlsxm.
    • Maybe both
  • There are some considerations for choosing the best approach like:
    • It should have a default value for preserving current behavior
    • It shouldn't break existing code
    • It's should be flexible for extending to further options for related functionality, like another format or behavior


def toxlsx(tbl, filename, sheet=None, write_header=True, mode="replace", format="xlsx"):
     """  - `format`: xlsx (default), xlsm"""

def toxlsxm(tbl, filename, sheet=None, write_header=True, mode="replace"):
     """  Write a table to a new Excel .xlsxm file with macro/VBA enabled."""

Patches welcome!

@juarezr, thanks for the response/feedback! I'll see what I can come up with and create a PR.