
Backend REST API for pet planning application, petPal. Part of devCodeCamp Capstone Project.

Primary LanguagePython

🐈 django-api

Backend REST API for my petcare management web app, petPal. Built with Django, originally part of devCodeCamp Capstone Project.

Running locally

Create a virtual environment and install dependencies

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Normal setup

After cloning repo, use pipenv to create a virtual environment and install dependencies

cp .env.template .env
source .env

Run migrations if necessary, and run the app

(venv) python manage.py migrate
(venv) python manage.py runserver

Docker setup

Running locally the Docker way is preferred because it is closer to how the application behaves in a production environment. The docker compose dev environment has 3 containers:

  • nginx: Reverse proxy and static file server for Django web app
  • api: The Django web application
  • db: A MySql instance that the web app connects to.

Setup Commands

docker compose build
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec api python manage.py migrate

Generate SSL Certs for HTTPS

SSH into the server running this API (after running activate-ec2 script) and run:

sudo certbot --nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx