
Jpackage command throwing error

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jpackage -t exe --description "SpandanApplication" --app-version 2.0 --input . --icon "C:\Users\Sunfo\Downloads\qms_logo.ico" --dest . --name "SpandanApplication" --main-jar Spandan-Desktop-Application-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar --module-path javafx --add-modules javafx.controls,java.naming,,java.sql,javafx.fxml,javafx.base,java.logging, --win-shortcut --win-console Command [light.exe, -nologo, -spdb, -ext, WixUtilExtension, -out, C:\Users\Sunfo\AppData\Local\Temp\jdk.jpackage10705337875172070368\images\win-exe.image\SpandanApplicatio
n-2.0.msi, -sice:ICE27, -loc, C:\Users\Sunfo\AppData\Local\Temp\jdk.jpackage10705337875172070368\config\MsiInstallerStrings_en.wxl, -cultures:en-us, C:\Users\Sunfo\AppData\Local\Temp\jdk.jpack
age10705337875172070368\wixobj\main.wixobj, C:\Users\Sunfo\AppData\Local\Temp\jdk.jpackage10705337875172070368\wixobj\bundle.wixobj, C:\Users\Sunfo\AppData\Local\Temp\jdk.jpackage10705337875172070368\wixobj\ui.wixobj] in C:\Users\Sunfo\AppData\Local\Temp\jdk.jpackage10705337875172070368\images\win-msi.image\SpandanApplication exited with 103 code
earlier my jpackage command used to work fine I changed my project structure after then this error is coming in this project if i run jpackage command on other projects it runs fine whan can be the issue. If i change the name and description to small case like"qms" then also it builds the exe but the size is doubled which originally it used to make like before the size of exe was 120 mb not size is coming 250 mb

Screenshot 2023-12-20 123605

Hello. This issue tracker is about jpackage-gradle-plugin. I can't help you with using jpackage itself.